mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

Alexa fluor 594

Alexa Fluor 5dye is a bright, red-fluorescent dye that can be excited using the 5nm or 5nm laser lines. For stable signal generation in imaging and . Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated antibodies absorb light maximally around 5nm and fluoresce with a peak around 6nm They are brighter, more photostable, .

The Alexa Fluor family of fluorescent dyes is produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific sold under. Goat polyclonal Secondary Antibody to Mouse IgG - HL (Alexa Fluor 594). BioLegend now introduces our line of directly conjugated Alexa Fluor 5antibodies for immunofluorescence microscopy.

Alexa Fluor 5Anti-mouse CDAntibody Anti-CD- CDis a kD protein also known as L3Tor T4.

Alexa Fluor 5Goat Anti-rat IgG Minimal X-reactivity Antibody Anti-IgG - Goat anti-rat IgG antibody reacts primarily with the heavy chains of rat IgG, but also . Secondary Antibody for studying Anti-Rabbit IgG in the Companion Products research area. Preparation and characterization of Alexa Fluor 594-labeled epidermal growth factor for fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies: application to the . Alexa Fluor 5conjugate of wheat germ agglutinin (red), and nuclei were labeled with anti–cdcpeptide antibody. View Human HLA-DR Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated Antibody L2(FAB4869T-025) datasheet.

Goat anti-Mouse IgGSecondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 59 Invitrogen 250µL; Labeled: Alexa Fluor 5Life Sciences:Antibodies:Secondary Antibodies:Goat . Designed for fluorescence imaging; offering excellent resolution and photostability. FITC, Alexa Fluor 48 Atto 48 Alexa Fluor 5and Atto 5excited with 4nm, the others with 5nm laser line. CAS Registry Number 295348-87-Chemical Structure O N N + C O O N O O CH CH 3 .

Product description and detail for the Alexa Fluor 5Hydrazide from Thermo Fisher Scientific on Biocompare. ChEBI ASCII Name, Alexa Fluor 5meta-isomer. Definition, The 5-succinimidyloxycarbonyl isomer of Alexa Fluor 594.

Stable mutant human PAI-labeled with Alexa Fluor 5by iodoacetamide substitution at the N-terminal cysteine (patent pending). PE-CF5and Alexa Fluor 7filters are available separately. The final concentrations of Alexa Fluor 4and Alexa Fluor 5conjugates of .

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