giovedì 14 agosto 2014

Alexa fluor 647

Alexa Fluor 6dye is a bright, far-red–fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited for the 5nm or 6nm laser lines. The Alexa Fluor family of fluorescent dyes is produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific sold under. A third party has compared Alexa Fluor 6dye with Cy(similar wavelength), conjugated to DNA.

This study found that Cyis brighter, but less . Segnala un'altra immagineSegnala l'immagine offensiva. They are brighter than Cyand DyLight 6in aqueous mounting media. Alexa Fluor 647- and APC-conjugated secondary antibodies are the best choice for .

SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 6is a photostable fluorescent substrate that can be used to label SNAP-tag fusion proteins in solution or on the surface of living . Alexa Fluor 6Anti-human CD1IL-7Ralpha Antibody Anti-CD1- CD1is a 60-kD type I transmembrane glycoprotein also known as IL-receptor α . Alexa Fluor 6Anti-mouse CDAntibody Anti-CD- CDis a surface glycoprotein of the tetraspannin family. Alexa Fluor 6Anti-mouse CDAntibody Anti-CD- Mouse CD6 also known as macrosialin, is an 85-1kD member of the lysosomal-associated . Alexa Fluor dyes are a series of fluorescent dyes produced by Molecular Probes that span the visible spectrum. Alexa Fluor 6Mouse anti-Ki-BRUO.

Goat polyclonal Secondary Antibody to Mouse IgG - HL (Alexa Fluor 647). Improved fluoroimmunoassays using the dye Alexa Fluor 6with the RAPTOR, a fiber optic biosensor. Browse Alexa Fluor 6antibody conjugates.

Anti-Human Collagen Type IV Alexa Fluor 647. Secondary Antibody for studying Anti-Rabbit IgG in the Companion Products research area. The Alexa , or Alexa Fluor , dyes were introduced by Molecular Probes, Inc.

Alexa Fluor 64 65 66 Far-re 200 0. Flow cytometric analysis of untreated HeLa cells using HSP(6B3) Rat mAb #48detected with Anti-rat IgG (H+L), (Alexa Fluor 6Conjugate) (green) and . Alexa Fluor 6Anti-mouse CDAntibody Anti-CD- CDis a kD protein, also known as Lyt- Ly- T Tp6 or Ly-12. Alexa Fluor 6Anti-mouse CD1CXCRAntibody Anti-CD1- CD18 also known as CXCR is a member of the G protein coupled receptor family that .

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