giovedì 18 agosto 2016

Lechler color range

Lechler color range

Lechler since 18- The culture of colour for your life. Color Range Gamme di colorazione 2004-2005. INDEX OF CAR MANIFACTURES, FLEETOWNERS AND STANDARD COLOUR RANGES. Posizione etichetta colore - VIN locations. Lechler Color Booster is a portable reader for measuring pastel colours on flat surfaces.

Lechler color range

Using this tool simplifies identification of the colour within the vast range . This system is composed of a specific colour base range, available in different bottle sizes(1lt, 5lt and 25lt) according to requirements, for the production of . LECHLER SpA – FORD Color range 1992-2012. Note: la guida riportata in questo opuscolo Vi permetterà di identificare il . Lechler, a name which has been making history in the paint branch ever since. Lechler offer a complete color range for motorcycle repairs, approved A. Lechler is an Italian paints and coatings manufacturer.

Isofan, BSB, Extralucido, Isoakryl and RS systems). Lechler system for Refinish is a system for car repair body shops that, by means. The colour range is composed of two- and three-coat colour effects, used. Lechler - Ford Color Range 1992-20Refinish - Smart Read more about for lechler, medium, colore, mondeo and fiesta. Lechler offer a vast range of colour, effects and painting cycles as well as diversified solutions to answer every kind of aesthetic and operational deman from . MACROFAN HS SYSTEM PrimersFillers Color Range.

Lechler color range

They supply Lechler hydrofan tinters, solvent tinters and accessories. The company offers a full range of services:. Free and Friendly Advice; Colour Matching Service; Paint Mixing Service Available; All Major Credit Cards Accepted .

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